Sad to say, I have not been doing a lot of writing recently. I have, however, been kept rather busy editing with one new client and one potential client. So all is good on the editing front.

It is also school holidays here in Queensland (well, for my kidlets it is anyway) and it is a lovely hot summer. So we have been going here a lot ----------------------->

And you know what?

I think this was exaclty what I needed in order to get back into the writing groove.

The reason I have not been doing the regular three sentence thursdays is because I had nothing to share with you.

However, I am happy to report that I bashed out another one and a half thousand words last night, and I am back in the writing groove!

So without further ado, here is Three Sentence Thursday:

I slowly stand up, still not taking my eyes from Jude’s until I am at my full height. Then in one swift movement I turn around and punch Elias as hard as I can square in the cheek. The connection is an audible crack and it sends Elias reeling backwards.

Hopefully we can get to the beach a lot more, because that seems to be where my muse has been residing all this time.
As you all know, I live in the Land Downunder and I'm proud of it. Also, this statement above is almost totally true! Two days ago, our loyal doggie, Lula, found a nice big snake in our backyard. Okay, so it was a carpet python, not really venomous in comparison to other species we have here, but a snake none-the-less. The first one for the snake season to be found on our property (which is an acre in total). In saying this, we have lived on our current property for 3.5 years now and this is only the 4th snake we have come across. The first was an ENORMOUS carpet python - but it was dead when we found it (and stinky to high heaven!). The other two were small red-bellied black snakes. These are venomous and could kill a child, and possibly a small adult (nasty!). And now this 2 metre python (which I really hope has moved on of it's own volition).

The very next day I dropped my kids at school and daycare. Miss 7 came home after school and told us that she had spotted a light brown, BIG snake on the steps at school - most likely a King Brown, one of the most deadly snakes on the continent. Needless to say it was dealt with swiftly, though maybe not cleanly, with a shovel to the head. So when we say that there are thousands of animals down here that can kill you, we really mean it!

Onto the next topic, which is Three Sentence Thursday, yes I know, I did it again. Sorry. So without further ado, here are my three sentences from my WIP novel Bite Me!

“Jude, I haven’t trusted anyone in a very long time, why should I trust you?” My eyes are still closed and my feet won’t budge. For some reason, I want desperately to trust him but I’m just not so sure that I should.

Other than that, I have not done very much writing in the last couple of weeks at all, what with school starting back and kid's dentist appointments, and me hitting the gym again to get my bikini bod ready for a Gold Coast Summer (can anyone say sunlover???). And let me tell you, at my current age (which is almost 29 for the third time), it takes a lot more work than it used to to get into shape. The school holidays threw me right off track and I pretty much am having to start all over again. Plus, I have just started editing another short story for one of my favourite clients, Donovan Sotam. This one is so funny, but I'm not going to give any of it away. You'll just have to read it yourself to see what I mean.

Now, I am going to go and stare at my WIP and see if I can magically make some more words appear on the blank pages. Wish me luck :)
Okay, so being human I'm going to make mistakes. It's inevitable, really.
No-one's perfect right?
Least of all me, however much I may try to be.

Today I got myself listed in the editing section of the Kindle Boards Yellow Pages and gave myself a little plug in the Writer's Cafe. You know, just for a little site traffic boost. One can never have too much site traffic. Feeling pretty pleased with myself (and a touch nervous) I shut down my computer and raced off to pick my kids up from school. I couldn't wait to get home and see how many hits the website had received since my little plug on the Kindle Boards.

To my utter horror and complete embarrassment I came home to a single email. I had a grammatical error on my editing service website. O.M.G! Not a great start to my newly fledged career as a freelance editor, and not particularly kind to the old ego either. However, I am grateful that it was pointed out. It is fixed now, but I am still cringing.

So there you have it.
Even editors sometimes need other editors to make sure they don't make complete idiots of themselves.
Welcome to my brand-spanking-new blog! I am so glad you stopped by for a visit.

Keep an eye out here for any book reviews I might do (I must warn you - I read a LOT, but I don't review often. So the few reviews that land up on here are going to be my special ones).

I also love giveaways and competitions and I also love to share, so if I find any fun ones I will let you in on the secret right here.

And if you are still going to come back for more, I will also be sharing my journey into authorship. I might share a favourite passage here and there, or whinge about my writers block issues (I get that a lot). I'll throw up the odd writing or editing tip I find useful. Heck, I may even ask your opinion on some things.

Oh yeah, there will also be loads of music clips to listen to. Like I said, I love to share, so when I find a clip I love, for whatever reason, you can be sure I will share it with you.

Well, that's it for now. Enjoy your Sunday. I hope it will be as lazy as mine is going to be. If not, enjoy it anyway. Life was made for living.